Saturday 4 January 2014

Vidarbha State:

Recent declaration of separate Telangana state has resulted into new spate of demand for independent state. It has given new hopes to many people who are aspiring for separate state for them. There are lot of discussions on these demands in the print, electronic and social media. Everyone will have his/her own opinion on it. Similarly, I do have my own opinion on it. Everyone has freedom to accept or reject it. But I would like to exercise my freedom of expression here.

Many people like me would like to see Vidarbha as a separate state. There are certain arguments in its favor and against it. I would like to ponder over some of them and share my point of view. Let’s take some of the factors which are argued against the formation of separate Vidarbha.

1.       Vidarbha can’t survive on its own: Many people argue that independent Vidarbha will not be able to generate sufficient revenue which will be enough for running its own affairs. They argue she is currently getting funds which are actually generated in cities like Mumbai, Pune etc. Please see the following points and then see merits in these arguments,

a.       There are so many perennial rivers like Wainganaga, Wardha, Vena etc. run through many districts of Vidarbha. Their basins have created very fertile land in the region. In short, it has good amount of water and fertile land.

b.      Vidarbha produces variety of crops. The region produces rice, wheat, jawar, pulses, soybean and cash crops like cotton and oranges. In short, it is self-sufficient in food grains.

c.       Vidarbha is completely self-sufficient in electric power.

d.      Vidarbha is rich in ore deposits. She has big reserves of Coal, Manganese, Calcium, Mica etc. Rest of Maharashtra lacks it.

e.      All major cities and district headquarters are connected with rail network. Large railway junctions are there in Nagpur, Wardha and Ballarpur. In short, good infrastructure for transportation.

f.        Nagpur is located in the center of the region and has operational airport. It has good connectivity with all the major cities in India.

g.       Educational institutes like VRCE, GMC and LIT have earned their name in the world. In short, good infrastructure for higher education.

h.      Vidarbha has 50% of total forest in Maharashtra. There are many reserve forests. The forest produce such as Tendu leaves, Moha flowers, bamboo, teak wood, Sandal wood and other precious forest produce can help the economy. In addition to that, there are lot of historical places. In short, Vidarbha can become a very good destination for tourism.  

2.       Vidarbha does not have good leadership: This statement is similar to what Winston Churchill had said once. He was democratically elected Prime Minister of UK and was absolutely not in favor of granting independence to India. He said that Indian Politicians are not ready / mature enough to run the country! Leadership will evolve, if opportunity is given.  India has progressed against Churchill’s will. Vidarbha will progress against the will of opposing people.

3.       Agitation is not as effective as Telangana: What do you expect? Demands would be fulfilled only when some people are killed in the agitation or public life is disrupted after huge demonstrations. Demand should be agreed / fulfilled in peaceful and democratic manner.

4.       Vidarbha does not have sea boundary: So what!! Even New Delhi does not have sea port. There are so many states which are prosperous and progressing without any sea port.

Then I wonder what would be the reasons for opposing the demand for separate Vidarbha. I see the following factors which are responsible for it.

1.       Vidarbha provides most of the power required for Maharashtra. Rural area in Vidarbha has to face long load shading so that cities in Western Maharashtra can get 24 X 7 electricity.

2.       It is easier to grab agricultural land in Vidarbha under the pretext of irrigation projects and divert the water outside of Vidarbha. Current ruling elite can’t dare to do it in western Maharashtra.

3.       Vidarbha has 50% of the total forest in Maharashtra. The Forest Minister is from Sangali District where there is negligible forest. But 100% funds can be diverted to rest of the Maharashtra.

4.       Central government’s funds, which are meant for Vidarbha, can be diverted to other part of Maharashtra. We have seen this happening when PM visited suicide affected region and declared the separate funds for Vidarbha. The Govt. of Maharashtra diverted it to the rest of Maharashtra.

In short, leaders of western Maharashtra can achieve the progress of their region at the cost of Vidarbha!

Once it was very prosperous region. We hear the stories of its prosperity from our older generation. Then what happened now? There is large scale migration of educated youth, Agricultural produce has come down, government does not give good rates to cotton, rice, there are less employment opportunities, so many projects are declared but they are not completed yet. We need to think over it! The power sharing in Maharashtra is completely skewed. There are 4 ministers from Sangali district alone. But there are many districts in Vidarbha who do not any representation in the ministry.

 What are the advantages, if a separate Vidarbha state is formed?

1.       Today, the entire Maharashtra’s politics is controlled by Maratha community. Maharashtra cannot get any non-Maratha Chief Minister. There is no dominating community in Vidarbha. Therefore, there is equal opportunity for everyone. The leader will be selected based on his/her merit and contribution.

2.       Nagpur has complete infrastructure required for Capital (as it was earlier capital of C P & Berar). It is headquarter of many public sector companies, railway divisions and research institutes. Reserve Bank is also there.

3.       Nagpur is in the middle of the Vidarbha. People will not have to travel long distance to reach to state capital. 

4.       All the development funds would be available at her disposal. The corruption cannot be eradicated. But the current practice of state government of diverting entire funds elsewhere will stop and Vidarbha can progress faster than now.

5.       Today, there are very few industries in Nagpur. But the rest of the Vidarbha has negligible industry. There would be renewed focus on industrial growth and cities like Amaravati, Akola and Chandrapur can become new industrial hub and can generate more employment opportunities.

6.       The new state will be with surplus energy. There is sufficient water. It would be very easy to attract industries in the region.

7.       New state can promote new set of industries based on agricultural and forest produce.

8.       Today youth (especially engineers) of Vidarbha have to search for a job in Pune, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bangalore etc. This migration cannot be stopped overnight. But separate state will create such opportunities which will help to stop/reduce such migration in next 10-15 years.
In short, the independent Vidarbha would be viable, self-reliant, prosperous, progressive state. It will certainly demonstrate the leadership and can be a good example of creating smaller states for good governance. Therefore, I strongly support for separate Vidarbha! Do You?

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