Saturday 4 January 2014

Keep Your Eyes and Ear Open!!

Many of us might have ignored one news yesterday. In fact, many of us have noticed it when favorable news flashed today. Yesterday, Huffington Post posted one story on richest rulers of the world. Mrs. Sonia Gandhi was allegedly at number 12. Majority of us will ridicule the news. However, I would like to attract the attention towards the way the story was published in our media. Most of the newspapers ignored it completely. Few electronic media published it but by giving very vague title. NDTV had given the heading as “Stick to Huffing and Puffing: Congress reacts to story on Sonia Gandhi The same media has given the major heading today when said website apologized Mrs. Gandhi and removed her name from the list. The point is that all the media in India control the flow of news in such a way which suits to them or their masters. Therefore, we need to keep our eyes and ear open! This reminds me few more such news in the past where our media maintained their complete silence!!

Just 7 days back, one major incident happened in the world. It may sound very minor but can potentially start of new conflict on the world map. America and Allied Force’s actions in Afghanistan and Iraq have been fueling the feeling in the Muslim world that it is an aggression of Christianity on Islam. This event would certainly add fuel to this theory. African nation Angola has banned Islam and destroyed Mosques across the country. Angola is Christian majority country and UK treats her as “high-level prosperity partners”. The protests are going on across the Muslim world. But our media has inexplicably ignored this news.

Let’s go 2 ½ years back. There is another story of another African nation Sudan. Sudan has been very long friend of India and seen many students coming here for studying. Sudan was Muslim majority nation once and ruled by Muslim. In July 2011, it was divided into two countries viz. Northern Muslim majority Sudan called as Republic of Sudan and Christian majority Southern Sudan called as Republic of Southern Sudan. The conflict started in 2003 and ended in 2011 by partition of the country. Southern Sudan’s separatists were prominently Christians and they demanded partition from Muslim Government. These southern separatists were openly supported, financed, trained by US. Many photographs of US Secretary of State Colin Powell with these separatists can be seen during 2004-2005. One interesting fact to note is that Southern Sudan got 75% of oil reserves of erstwhile Sudan!! No one needs any explanation on who had fueled this partition. One more interesting fact; India has seen sorrow of partition however our Vice President Hamid Ansari attended the ceremony of this partition in Southern Sudan! But our Indian media completely ignored this conflict, this partition and visit of our Vice President!

This is a story of another African country happened in 1994. It may be my ignorance but I checked with many people, if they read this news. I could not find anyone in my circle who knew or heard this news. The event is so horrific and heinousness that I do not want to describe it here. It was genocide in Rwanda which resulted into massacre of 1 million people in 10 days. Both the victims and aggressors were Christian. UN Forced vacated the country as soon as conflict started and gave open ground to allow it to happen.  There was no mention of this news in any Indian media in 1994. Even, the English movie which was released in 2004 on this event did not release in India!
What is value of these news to we Indian is a debatable question. But events happening across the globe may have direct or indirect effect/affect on us. In short, keep your eyes and ear open at all the time!

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