Saturday 4 January 2014

Move on Man!!!!

Last few days, the political atmosphere and discussion in television studios are heating up. The primary reason is that Mr. Narendra Modi has hijacked the legacy of Saradar Patel! He not only declared that Saradar Patel’s tallest statue would be built in Narmada River but also he shared the dais with Prime Minister during one function on Saradar Patel. He also made a statement that India would have been a different country, if Saradar Patel would have been the first Prime Minister of this country. The congress party got furious! How a sanghawala can hijack our leader! They had forgotten him all these days as all of them were busy in sycophancy of one family! They suddenly remembered that Saradar Patel was a part of Congress Party.

The story does not stop here. The politician, historian, journalist, academician extrapolate this and drags it into decade old rhetoric, how RSS is fascist, comparison between Narendra Modi and Hitler, how Nathuram Godse was RSS swayamsevak, and how Saradar Patel never accepted the ideology of RSS! One really wonders whether fascism really a bad word or people use it without understanding the meaning of it or it is their opinion that fascism is bad or it is just a fashion. Today word ‘Fascist’ or ‘Fascism’ is used more in India than where it was originally originated from. The point is that none of these guys use it appropriately. Worldwide this word is being used for insulting others and that is the only value of this word has rather than the actual meaning of it. 

Similarly, Hitler is so frequently remembered in India that even Germans may not be remembering him. One wonders why these people are remembering him so much. Psychologist says if the same lie is being told to the people thousand times, common citizen starts believing in it. Similar to Fascist, Hitler is also used only for insulting others rather than drawing the comparison between their actions or philosophy. My IT job helped me to travel some part of the world and make few friends there. I have few German friends and traveled to Germany once. I asked some of my very close friends after knowing that they would be open, free and frank with me and will not get offend with my questions. I asked them that do they hate Hitler as he is the one responsible for bad name to Germany. The answer was really eye opener. My friend told me that we do not hate him but we do not remember him either. Germany has moved on beyond Hitler and became the strongest nation! Once my esteem friend Sudhir Mutalik made a very remarkable statement. He said, ‘we should not talk about each and every historical event!’ It is not same as forgetting it. Have African American forgotten apartheid or slavery? No! But, they do not talk about it. Therefore, USA is the united and strong nation today. Have Japanese forgotten the atomic attack on them by American? No! But, they do not talk about it. Today, Japan is the largest buyer of American treasury bonds. It would not be an exaggeration to say Americans live on Japanese money! There are so many such examples where people have moved on.

But we Indian seem to like to talk all those things which we are not supposed to talk! Few years back, Mr. Narendra Jadhav, (member of Planning Commission) who was then Vice Chancellor of Pune University, was addressing managers in Infosys.  He made a statement in his speech, “You know why did I accept the offer of Vice-Chancellor of Pune University? Because I wanted to show to Brahmins of this city who had forced my community to lick the street of this city few hundred years back!” I was aghast to hear such awful statement from such a learned person.
We must learn not to speak about all those things which are shameful for this country. But the politician, historian, journalist, academician of this country want to dig out all those whether autocracies of few communities, feud among the various casts or religion, historical figures such as Shivaji Maharaj, Vir Savarkar, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose or controversial figures like Godse, Jinnah and omit the venom. This venom only helps in widening the gaps between the people. God has given us a wonderful instrument on our shoulder i.e. head. We must use it and think quietly and without any bias and not talk about all those things and move on!!!

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