Friday 24 January 2014


Other day, I was listening to a poem by Kavi Grace भय इथले संपत नाही’ composed by Hridaynath Mangeshkar and sung by Lata Didi on Vividh Bharati. I wondered; can human race get rid of fear? Then I realized that it has been used for commercial benefit since ages and it is the core principle of many businesses.

Religion is the first and foremost entity who has been exploiting it since centuries. Believe me no religion is exception to it. Let’s talk about my religion. Almost all the pooja’s are example of it. Most of them have very noble purpose. But we have already forgotten the basic principles behind it and we do it out of fear. The same is being exploited by our priest. Most of us perform Satyanarayan Pooja. Listen to those 5 Adhyay priest narrates during the pooja. All of them say that if you do not perform the pooja as promised, it will bring bad luck to you. Many of us just do it not to break the tradition or out of fear.  

The next such community is Astrologers! The irony is that people have even developed the software for so-called science. In fact, many will try to convince you that how it is scientific and based on statistics but lack single evidence! Once I heard an interview of Sharad Upadhye a famous astrologer. She was asking many questions on gems and precious stones to him. He was explaining the benefits of them. At the end she asked him a question after looking at many rings in his hand. What are those precious stones? He laughed and said that all of them are dummy stones! Communities who have never seen or prepared their horoscope have started making it in recent days. Usage of horoscope for fixing marriages has increased to disgusting level and all out of fear! Vastu Shastra, Feng Shui and what not! Today no builder even dare to build south facing flat! Ironically, richest, and famous shops on Laxmi road in Pune are South facing!

Fear sells and can get you good money is a new realization to the profession who is not supposed to exploit it. It is the medical profession! Bird Flu is a classic example of it. In fact, there were very few human deaths due to bird flu. But fear of bird flu was sold across the globe and one pharma company made fortune in it. The same thing was repeated during swine flu. All of us have experienced deserted streets during its outbreak in 2009.  Do you know that there are no convincing test results that show Tamiflu cures Swine flu? Many NGO’s have demanded complete test results of Tamiflu. But Roche (only one manufacture in the world) had never provided any comprehensive test results on its capability of curing swine flu or controlling its epidemic.  Roche made billions of dollars in selling this medicine throughout the globe!

Last but not least, the political parties use the same model for garnering the votes. No political party is exception to it! Christianity is in danger was sold by George Bush in 2005. The entire international politics is played on the tenets of fear whether it is Iran or Iraq or any other so called rogue nations.
We are taught to live in fear! In fact, we have institutionalized fear! Insurance companies are the great example of it. Fear of not getting good school, fear of not getting good marks and good college, fear of not getting good job, fear of losing the job and finally fear of death! You would agree that all of these fears have already transformed into business for someone else. I wonder when we will learn to live with courage, as rationalist and with happiness! But where is the school for them!

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Janata Morcha to AAP

1974 to 1975 has been very eventful days in post-independence history of India. The student of Gujarat started protest against price rise. This demonstration transformed into state wide demonstration under the banner of Nav Nirman Andolan in 1974. Mr. Morarji Desai of Congress (O) rode the popular wave and became the leader of the agitation. The agitation forced Chief Minister Chimanbhai Patel of Congress (R) to resign in Feb-1974. Mrs. Indira Gandhi imposed Presidential Rule in the state. But State Assembly had to be dissolved amid tremendous pressure from this movement. The State Assembly elections were held in 1975 and Janata Morcha won the Assembly Election on 12-June-1975.

At the same time in 1974, the student of Bihar started their protest against misrule, corruption, rise in inflation, unemployment in Congress (R) government. This state-wide Bihar Movement was supported by all student organizations except organization belonged to Congress. Jayaprakash Narayan (JP) provided leadership to this movement and gave a call for “Total Revolution”. Unlike in Gujarat, Mrs. Gandhi did not dismiss the Chief Minister and curbed the agitation forcefully.

The famous Railways strike was led by George Fernandes in Feb-1974. All Railway unions came together under his leadership. The entire nation was brought to complete halt. Their demands were better wages and better working condition. The strike was not really successful. Government ensured divisions in the protesters and George Fernandes finally called it off after 19 days of strike.

You can imagine, Mrs. Gandhi was facing tremendous civic disobedience in many parts of the country. The last nail on coffin was a judgment of Allahabad High Court on 12-June-1975. Raj Narain who was defeated by Mrs. Gandhi in 1971 election filed a case against her for misusing government machinery for election purpose. Incidentally, Mr. Shanti Bhushan (Father of Prashant Bhushan of Aam Adami Party) fought for Raj Narain. The court found her guilty, cancelled her election and banned her from contesting election for 6 years. She approached Supreme Court and Court upheld High Court judgment on 24-Jun-1975.

On the next day (25-June-1975) JP held a massive rally in New Delhi. He demanded her resignation and declared non-cooperation movement similar to what Mahatma Gandhi called during Independence struggle. In the midnight, she declared the state of Emergency and democracy was brought to complete halt. She immediately dismissed Government of Gujarat and Tamil Nadu and imposed President’s rule there.    

Although, Janata Morcha was formed in 1974, its real fight against Congress and Mrs. Gandhi started after declaration of Emergency. Janata Morcha consists of all Socialist Parties, Congress (O) and Jan Sangh. It gave new political platform to aam adami. It also gave lot of new leaders to the country. 1) Lalu Prasad Yadav: A lawyer and Masters in Political Science. He was student leader in Patna University. He played pivotal role in Bihar Movement in 1974 and later in JP movement. 2) Mulayam Singh Yadav: Master in Political Science. Strong follower of Ram Manohar Lohia and Charan Singh became part of JP movement. 3) George Fernandes: Born in middle class family in Mangalore, famous Union Leader from Mumbai. 4) Sharad Yadav: Gold medalist in Electrical Engineering from Jabalpur Engineering College and became a part of JP movement. 5) Nitish Kumar: Civil Engineer from NIT Patna and participated in JP’s movement in 1974.  6) Dr. Subramaniam Swamy: Doctorate from Harvard University. Mrs. Gandhi expelled him from IIT. He joined JP movement during Emergency.

There were host of other leaders such as Morarji Desai, Chandrashekhar, Ramkrishna Hegde, Devi Lal, Sikander Bakt, Deve Gowda of Congress (O) who joined JP movement and became the part of Janata Party. There were few ex-congressman such as Biju Patnaik, Charan Singh etc. became the part of Janata Morcha and finally part of Janata Party. Jan Sangh leaders like Atal Bihari Vajpayee, L. K. Advani, Vijayaraje Scindia also became part of Janata Morcha during emergency and then became part of Janata Party.

Janata Party’s landslide victory in general election in 1977 is a golden page in history of civic movement in India. It not only brought the first non-congress government but also changed the political fabric of India. Janata Party’s diverse folks could not keep them together after a huge success. A common goal (of defeating Mrs. Gandhi) could not keep them united. Their government fell down in 2.5 years due to internal differences. They forgot JP’s call of “Total Revolution” and many felt that it was impractical! As Janata Party could not live up to the trust shown by citizen of this country, they forgot atrocities and autocracy of Mrs. Gandhi during Emergency and elected her Prime Minister of India in 1980 once again. Socialist Party and thought started disintegrating since then and now it is confined to few states. It is completely wiped out from state like Maharashtra, Gujarat, Rajasthan, MP, etc.

They say history repeats! Here we come in 2009-10. CAG reported large scale irregularities in allocation of 2G spectrum. Initially, people like Kapil Sibbal said that there was no loss to exchequer. But we saw imprisonment of A. Raja. In 2012, CAG once again reported large scale irregularities in allocation of Coal deposits. Prime Minister was coal minister during this period. There is still no conviction in this case. These two scams along with inaccessible and very weak PM, dual power center at center tarnished the image of Congress government. On other side, corruption charges against B. S. Yeddyurappa, CM of Karnataka, forced him to resign in 2011. Corruption cases against Madhu Koda, Lalu Prasad Yadav, disproportionate asset case against Mulayam Singh Yadav, corruption in Common Wealth Games etc. created an impression within the country that all the political parties are corrupt especially two major parties i.e. INC and BJP.

In April 2011, Anna Hazare started his fast for Jan lokpal bill. Many compared his agitation with JP’s one. He ended his fast after 98 hrs. after government agreed to set up a Joint Drafting Committee. Anna gave a deadline to the government of 15-Aug-11 to pass the bill. The committee failed to agree on the terms of the bill and government filed their own version of bill in Aug 2011. Anna and his team felt that the government version of Lokpal bill is very weak and will be ineffective in curbing corruption. They asked for permission for fast and agitation against bill in Aug-2011. It was given with lot of conditions. On 16-Aug, Anna was taken into preventive custody but he instructed his followers to continue with the protest. His arrest resulted into huge outcry across the country and government released him on the same evening. He refused to come out of jail and started his indefinite fast from jail. Thank God they did not repeat the mistake of Mrs. Gandhi! Finally government agreed to his demands and allowed him to start his agitation from Ramlila Ground. This agitation continued for 12 days. The impromptu demonstration were held across the country and citizen showed solidarity with Anna’s movement. This agitation brought completely new faces in front us. 1) Arvind Kejriwal: IITian, ex-IRS officer, RTI activist, Magsaysay award winner. 2) Manish Sisodia: Journalist and social worker worked with Arvind Kejriwal since beginning. 3) Prashant Bhushan: IIT drop out, Lawyer and RTI activist. Specialist in PIL. 4) Kumar Vishwas: Professor of Hindi and appeared first time in Anna movement 5) Yogendra Yadav: Social Scientist and Sr. fellow at CSDS. He was advisor to Rahul Gandhi. Became part of Anna movement in 2011.

Arvind Kejriwal felt that political party is needed for fight against corruption. Anna wanted to keep it non-political movement. After the difference with Anna, he formed Aam Adami Party (AAP) in Nov-2012. The main agenda of the party is to fight against corruption and fight against main parties i.e. INC and BJP.

After winning second largest seats in New Delhi Assembly election, there are new hopes from AAP. The country is witnessing new enthusiasm as famous personalities like Bala of Infosys, Meera Sanyal, CEO of RBS India, and Capt. Gopinath of Deccan Airways have joined AAP. As said earlier, there is large section of society who is fade up of corruption of INC and weak government at the center. But they do not want to align with BJP either. Although, there are many so called socialist parties in India, but they became personal properties of some families with less or no principles of socialism being practiced. Socialist people in states like Maharashtra, MP, Gujarat do not have any political space in their respective states. In short, it created big vacuum in politics and Kejriwal encashed this opportunity. AAP has given new hopes to these scattered socialists across India. This is definitely sizeable votes to win 25-50 seats in next General Election. They will mostly impact INC but they would be big spoilers for most of the established parties as well. Even if they win 25 seats in next general election, they can dislodge NAMO’s dream of becoming Prime Minister. As per my earlier calculation, AAP can change the equation as follows,

Before AAP
After AAP
Third Front


The parties like TMC, YSR Congress, who would not align with INC, would immediately align with AAP. As said earlier, most of AAP supporters are either socialist or communist. The simple calculation (25 + 150 of third front) and with external support of congress, AAP can form the government in next general election. If that happens, it would be very fragile government as country experienced during the days of Deve Gowda, Chandrashekhar or I. K. Gujral and push the country back by another 10 years.

There is large similarity between Janata Party and AAP. People took the advantage of popularity of JP in Janata Morcha and similarly, Kejriwal and team took advantage of Anna’s popularity. Janata party fought against Mrs. Indira Gandhi and AAM is fighting against Congress and BJP. Janata party initially declared many popularistic policies such as lowering sugar prices, banning liquor etc. AAM is also doing the same. Janata Party declared that they would file cases against Mrs. Gandhi, Sanjay Gandhi and other corrupt congress leaders. But not a single case saw a day of light. Mr. Kejriwal is also saying the same. The difference in Janata Party and AAP is that AAP has not allowed any political party to merge with them. Another difference is that Janata Party never dislodged JP and JP never left Janata party in his life. However, Kejriwal and company have already dislodged Anna and Anna has already disowned AAP.  AAP has to prove the mettle by delivering in New Delhi as per their manifesto. They need to serve the country for some time and get the experience of running government. We already have one experience of giving central government to newly formed party. We can’t afford it once again. Now we have to decide whether we want strong government or weak government and vote accordingly!

Saturday 4 January 2014

At Riyadh Airport

Few days back, I was waiting for my turn in check-in line of Jet Airways at Riyadh Airport. Incidentally, Pakistan International Airline’s (PIA) counter was at the left hand side and British Airways’s counter was at the right hand side of me. Timings of Peshawar, Mumbai, and London flights were at similar time and hence check-in of all these three flights was going on simultaneously. As usual Jet Airway had some technical problems in check-in and I was standing at the same location for almost 1 hrs. What do you do for one hour standing in line? Observe the crowd!!

PIA’s check-in lines were moving very fast.  All the passengers were in typical Pathani white attire. Majority of them were over 6 FT tall and very good build. Everyone had typical Pathani beard. People in my line were looking like they were facing acute malnutrition. There was not a single woman in the entire crowd! Everyone was carrying lot of luggage, no suitcase, luggage were tied with nylon rope.  Almost everyone was carrying 20 L water bottle wrapped in plastic bag. I was surprised to see that. Come on all these guys are going out of desert and not going to desert!! I was very curious about those water bottles and started observing keenly. Then, I observed that “Zam-Zam” was written on it. There was a picture of Mecca mosque on some of the bottles. I thought there must some connection between Mecca and these water bottles. Subsequently, I confirmed from Wikipedia that the water from holy mosque is called Zam-Zam and has very interesting story about it in full of desert!! I felt very embarrassed about myself and felt that how little I know about other religion.

Incidentally, cabby who dropped me at the airport was also a Pathan and was from nearby Peshawar. I tried communicating with him while coming to the airport. He was very simple, innocent, humble and under educated person (Nowadays, I am afraid of calling someone illiterate as day by day I am realizing that education and literacy do not have any relationship). There was no trace of traditional hatred of India and Pakistan. After some conversation, I asked him in which language you are talking to me? He immediately replied me “in Urdu”. Then I asked him, what do think, in which language I am talking to you? He was little confused with my question and didn’t answer. I told him “in Hindi”.  Then, I asked him do you see any difference in these two languages?  He said that they watch so many Hindi movies so they understand all the Hindi words. Then I asked him “What is your mother tongue?” He replied, “Pashtun”. He added, he speaks in Pashtun with family members and in Peshawar and can speak in Urdu as it is their National Language. Then I asked him which part of Pakistan speak Urdu as their mother tongue. He was completely surprised with my question and started murmuring Sindh speak Sindhi, Punjab speak Punjabi, their region speaks Pashtun. As an innocent person, he started wondering why is Urdu their National Language? Then I asked him one more question. Do you know where did Urdu born as a language? He was completely speechless. I thought let me not answer him these questions and got down from taxi as we were already at the airport.
My conversion with cabby few minutes back and looking at those 500 odd Pathans , 2000 years of history of Indian subcontinent ran through my mind in a flash. I remembered Taxshila University, I remembered Chanakya and  Chandragupt Maurya, I remembered defeat of Alexander, I remembered republic of Malav and Shudrak, I remembered Vir Savarkar’s book named “6 Golden Pages of Indian History”. I remembered Savarkar’s theory of “Sadgun Vikruti” (virtuous perversity), remembered the perversities like Sindhu Bandi (Social prohibition if someone crosses Sindhu River), Shuddhi Bandi (Social prohibition to return to Hinduism, if someone converts to any other religion). If these perversities would have not been prevalent in Hinduism, today all those Pathans would have been called White Hindus under Hindu Kush Mountain. Then, I remembered one more theory of Savarkar; religious conversion leads to partition of nation. If our ancestors would have been wise enough and not allowed religious conversion or taken efforts to bring back our brothers to Hinduism, today we would have seen Undivided Bharat! Just imagine if these Pathans were to be part of Indian Military; who could defeat this country in the world!! Just imagine if they were to be part of our Cricket or Football Team; where would have been our nation in the sports today!! But then I suddenly came back to present and felt very embarrassed because it is easy to blame our ancestors but what are we doing today!!!!

Vidarbha State:

Recent declaration of separate Telangana state has resulted into new spate of demand for independent state. It has given new hopes to many people who are aspiring for separate state for them. There are lot of discussions on these demands in the print, electronic and social media. Everyone will have his/her own opinion on it. Similarly, I do have my own opinion on it. Everyone has freedom to accept or reject it. But I would like to exercise my freedom of expression here.

Many people like me would like to see Vidarbha as a separate state. There are certain arguments in its favor and against it. I would like to ponder over some of them and share my point of view. Let’s take some of the factors which are argued against the formation of separate Vidarbha.

1.       Vidarbha can’t survive on its own: Many people argue that independent Vidarbha will not be able to generate sufficient revenue which will be enough for running its own affairs. They argue she is currently getting funds which are actually generated in cities like Mumbai, Pune etc. Please see the following points and then see merits in these arguments,

a.       There are so many perennial rivers like Wainganaga, Wardha, Vena etc. run through many districts of Vidarbha. Their basins have created very fertile land in the region. In short, it has good amount of water and fertile land.

b.      Vidarbha produces variety of crops. The region produces rice, wheat, jawar, pulses, soybean and cash crops like cotton and oranges. In short, it is self-sufficient in food grains.

c.       Vidarbha is completely self-sufficient in electric power.

d.      Vidarbha is rich in ore deposits. She has big reserves of Coal, Manganese, Calcium, Mica etc. Rest of Maharashtra lacks it.

e.      All major cities and district headquarters are connected with rail network. Large railway junctions are there in Nagpur, Wardha and Ballarpur. In short, good infrastructure for transportation.

f.        Nagpur is located in the center of the region and has operational airport. It has good connectivity with all the major cities in India.

g.       Educational institutes like VRCE, GMC and LIT have earned their name in the world. In short, good infrastructure for higher education.

h.      Vidarbha has 50% of total forest in Maharashtra. There are many reserve forests. The forest produce such as Tendu leaves, Moha flowers, bamboo, teak wood, Sandal wood and other precious forest produce can help the economy. In addition to that, there are lot of historical places. In short, Vidarbha can become a very good destination for tourism.  

2.       Vidarbha does not have good leadership: This statement is similar to what Winston Churchill had said once. He was democratically elected Prime Minister of UK and was absolutely not in favor of granting independence to India. He said that Indian Politicians are not ready / mature enough to run the country! Leadership will evolve, if opportunity is given.  India has progressed against Churchill’s will. Vidarbha will progress against the will of opposing people.

3.       Agitation is not as effective as Telangana: What do you expect? Demands would be fulfilled only when some people are killed in the agitation or public life is disrupted after huge demonstrations. Demand should be agreed / fulfilled in peaceful and democratic manner.

4.       Vidarbha does not have sea boundary: So what!! Even New Delhi does not have sea port. There are so many states which are prosperous and progressing without any sea port.

Then I wonder what would be the reasons for opposing the demand for separate Vidarbha. I see the following factors which are responsible for it.

1.       Vidarbha provides most of the power required for Maharashtra. Rural area in Vidarbha has to face long load shading so that cities in Western Maharashtra can get 24 X 7 electricity.

2.       It is easier to grab agricultural land in Vidarbha under the pretext of irrigation projects and divert the water outside of Vidarbha. Current ruling elite can’t dare to do it in western Maharashtra.

3.       Vidarbha has 50% of the total forest in Maharashtra. The Forest Minister is from Sangali District where there is negligible forest. But 100% funds can be diverted to rest of the Maharashtra.

4.       Central government’s funds, which are meant for Vidarbha, can be diverted to other part of Maharashtra. We have seen this happening when PM visited suicide affected region and declared the separate funds for Vidarbha. The Govt. of Maharashtra diverted it to the rest of Maharashtra.

In short, leaders of western Maharashtra can achieve the progress of their region at the cost of Vidarbha!

Once it was very prosperous region. We hear the stories of its prosperity from our older generation. Then what happened now? There is large scale migration of educated youth, Agricultural produce has come down, government does not give good rates to cotton, rice, there are less employment opportunities, so many projects are declared but they are not completed yet. We need to think over it! The power sharing in Maharashtra is completely skewed. There are 4 ministers from Sangali district alone. But there are many districts in Vidarbha who do not any representation in the ministry.

 What are the advantages, if a separate Vidarbha state is formed?

1.       Today, the entire Maharashtra’s politics is controlled by Maratha community. Maharashtra cannot get any non-Maratha Chief Minister. There is no dominating community in Vidarbha. Therefore, there is equal opportunity for everyone. The leader will be selected based on his/her merit and contribution.

2.       Nagpur has complete infrastructure required for Capital (as it was earlier capital of C P & Berar). It is headquarter of many public sector companies, railway divisions and research institutes. Reserve Bank is also there.

3.       Nagpur is in the middle of the Vidarbha. People will not have to travel long distance to reach to state capital. 

4.       All the development funds would be available at her disposal. The corruption cannot be eradicated. But the current practice of state government of diverting entire funds elsewhere will stop and Vidarbha can progress faster than now.

5.       Today, there are very few industries in Nagpur. But the rest of the Vidarbha has negligible industry. There would be renewed focus on industrial growth and cities like Amaravati, Akola and Chandrapur can become new industrial hub and can generate more employment opportunities.

6.       The new state will be with surplus energy. There is sufficient water. It would be very easy to attract industries in the region.

7.       New state can promote new set of industries based on agricultural and forest produce.

8.       Today youth (especially engineers) of Vidarbha have to search for a job in Pune, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bangalore etc. This migration cannot be stopped overnight. But separate state will create such opportunities which will help to stop/reduce such migration in next 10-15 years.
In short, the independent Vidarbha would be viable, self-reliant, prosperous, progressive state. It will certainly demonstrate the leadership and can be a good example of creating smaller states for good governance. Therefore, I strongly support for separate Vidarbha! Do You?


On the occasion of Independence Day, I got up early in the morning and got ready as we wanted to attend Independence Day celebration at our son’s school. As I got into car and put on my favorite FM radio channel Vividh Bharati, our honorable Prime Minister’s speech from Red Fort started. I listened to initial few sentences and I was completely disappointed with his speech. I immediately said to my wife, “Is this an election speech? And PM is addressing to Congress rally?” There were so many of his statements which I could not digest or agree. Therefore, I downloaded complete text of his speech from internet and read it. To my surprise, my initial impression was vindicated. See some of his statements and make your own opinion.

1.       In the last 9 years, support prices for various crops have been enhanced as never before.

2.       The average annual rate of agricultural growth in the 11th Plan was 3.6, which is more than both the 9th and 10th Plan levels.

3.       In the period 2004 to 2011, rural per-capita consumption has increased four times faster than earlier.

4.       Whatever definition we may adopt, it cannot be denied that the pace of reduction in poverty has increased after 2004.

5.       Almost all our children are today being imparted education in Primary schools.

6.       We have implemented the Health Mission in urban areas also. This will result in both expansion and improvement of health services in such areas.

7.       For ensuring better safety and security for women, we have strengthened the law dealing with offences against women.

8.       There has been good progress in the last 9 years in the infrastructure sector. About 2 lakh km of new roads have been constructed for connecting villages under the Pradhan Mantri Gramin Sadak Yojana. More than 37,000 km of new Highways have been built, facilitating travel and trade.

9.       More than 40 airports have been built or upgraded.

10.   In 2004, only 7 percent of the people had telephone connections. Today, 73 percent enjoy this facility. In rural areas, this figure has gone up from 2 to 40.

11.   There has been a record addition to our capacity for electricity generation.

12.   There has been a reduction in terrorist and Naxal violence.

He refuted his own claim in point #11 and further said “Inadequate supply of coal had become a major problem affecting our efforts for increasing electricity generation.” I felt he was telling blatant lie to entire nation standing under Tricolor! 

He mentioned “In the last 9 years” seven times in the speech and said “after 2004” four times. I thought he forgot that he is first Prime Minister of India and then UPA or Congress’s.

Now see his statement. “However, it is not only our country that is facing economic difficulties. The last year has been difficult for the world economy as a whole. Major European nations are experiencing a slowdown these days. All over the world, there has been a slump in export markets. All developing countries have slowed down.” This statement is completing misleading the nation. Although, many countries are facing economic problems, but they are not facing inflation to the extent we are facing today.  No European countries’ or Japan’s currency are devaluating as our Indian Rupee is. The economic PM conveniently avoided these issues.

Instead of mentioning only Congress Prime Minister in his speech, it would have been better, if he would have attracted people attention towards the real problems our nation is facing today and shared his vision to handle them.  He should have addressed the issue of inflation, Rupee’s free fall, rampant corruption at all level of government, issue of rising crime against women, concerns toward security of our borders, his stand on demands of separate statehood etc. There are so many important bills pending in Parliament such as Police reform bill, Citizen’s right, rights of physically challenged people to name the few. He should have given definite schedule for passing Lokpal Bill, Women reservation bill.

This is not the first time he lied to the nation, he did the same thing when 2G scam, Coal scam broke and passed the buck to his ministers.

Just one day before, one submarine exploded and destroyed in dockyard in Mumbai. Is this the first accident in arm forces? Country has stopped counting accidents of MIG fighter planes now. Our brave soldiers are dying because of shear negligence, human error and poor quality of equipment. This is really worrisome. This brings serious doubt about our preparedness for our defense!

Where have we reached after 66 years of Independence?

Our borders are not secured today. One side China is entering in our territory on every day. Pakistan is attaching our post almost every day. Border fencing is almost broken at Bangladesh border resulting into uncontrolled infiltration. Our relations with Nepal and Sri Lanka is all time low!

Parliament Affair Minister stalls the proceeding of Parliament when question is asked about their leader’s son-in-law. The opposition party does not allow Parliament to function on small-small issues. Sometimes one gets the feeling that Parliament disruption is orchestrated in consultation with each other. Both Loksabha Speaker and Deputy Chairman of Rajyasabha seem to be helpless and very weak to control their houses. The main two political parties fight in Parliament and in TV studio.

The country has a PM from Rajyasabha as he may not get elected in Loksabha. He has to get elected from safe place in Assam away from his home where he never gives his vote in any election. His attendance is Parliament is abysmally low. He does not give any statement on major issues of the nation, avoids interaction with the citizen. He is highly educated but does not stop flattery of one family!

It was very sad to see people in Vidarbha, Bengal, and Assam on the street on Independence Day and demanding for separate state rather than celebrating Independence Day. It shows that the people’s aspirations are not met.
In midst of lot of pessimism and negativity, there is still a hope of emerging India as strong democratic nation. Although late, but the history which happened in mid-July, appeared on mainstream media few days back. The tribal girls of Hutup village in Jharkhand won the Bronze medal U-14 Gasteiz Cup in Spain. We complain about lack of support for sport in this country, but they fought against all odds and travelled across 7 seas and made their homeland proud. Their commitment, dedication, hard work, team work, fighting spirit and desire to dream is very inspiring story for all of us. This gives the hope that Young India will fight back against all odds and bring the nation where she deserves! 

Regular Hein!

“Sir Laptop?” Security personnel at the entrance of Infosys ask each and every employee every day when they enter or leave the office. It is their one of the duties to check the bags of all the employees for many security and legal reasons. “Ha hein! Regular hein!” is the most common response they get and almost every time, he/she does not check the bag and let one go. I rarely remember my bag has been thoroughly checked in last few months. I always wonder, what is the magic in these 2 words?

These 2 words may not convey anything but the manner and tone of the communication must be telling something completely different to these security personnel.  When I thought over it, I felt there is a very deep social, economic, cultural bias/divide in it. When I say these two words to them, am I subtly saying,

1.       I am a Manager in this company. Do you think that I do not follow the rules or do you think that I am a thief?

2.       I am more learned person than you. My job is more respectful than yours. How dare you ask me any question?

3.       I earn more than you. How can a person, who earns less than me, subjects me to security checks?

4.       My job is more intellectual than yours or I am senior employee of the company. Therefore, I deserve a special treatment.

Deep routed caste system in our society can be one of the reasons for such behavior. Many of us still consciously or subconsciously develop the hierarchy/gradation of different professions and decide their values, esteem, grade, respect etc. Since we intentionally or unintentionally associate the nature of the work (profession) with a particular caste, strong notions about the type of work and who should do it are still prevalent in the society. Higher educational qualification, professional success and financial prosperity of an individual adds ego and arrogance into this strong rooted believes. This highly contagious and explosive mixture can be witnessed widespread in public life these days. We see many people expect special treatment based on their social, economic, educational status in public life. See how special treatment celebrities, politician, bureaucrats and rich people expect in public life. Equality and respect for work (Shram Pratishtha) should increase in a democratic nation. But both these values are falling never before.

One of my colleagues, who is in US, wants to returned to India. When I asked him about the reasons, he said that his wife is not adjusting in US. On further persuasion, he told me that his wife has to do all the daily chores on her own. She does not have the comfort of maids which she has in India. We do not need rocket science that he may not be even helping her in daily chore because of our strong believes on what wife has to do and what husband has to do in the family.
If India has to emerge as a strong and prosperous nation, we must learn to respect other’s work, allow and encourage others to perform their duties, respect other’s rights, respect other’s time! Unless this social transformation happens, our dream of Strong and Prosperous India will be a distinct dream!


Narendra Modi is currently the most discussed person in the electronic media, print media, social media, lunch table in the office and any other social gathering. You may like him or hate him but you can’t ignore him at this moment as BJP has declared him the Prime Ministerial Candidate for the next General Election. Whether he becomes the PM of this country or not, both the events are going to impact, affect, influence the future of this country and citizen at large.

As many rightist, I also wish that he should become the PM of this country. It is not only because of my affiliation to his political ideology but also to protect the basic tenets of the democracy. In my opinion the PM should have the following,

1.       The PM must be a mass leader.

2.       The PM should not be imposed on the nation by some political party/parties after the election. In short, the citizen should know the probable PM upfront.

3.       The PM must be from the lower house and definitely not from the higher house of the parliament.

4.       The PM must be a statesman and educational qualification should be the least qualification.

5.       Someone should not become the PM just by luck or since there is no alternative!

6.       The nation must lay down the example that the most ordinary citizen can become the PM of this country and not the few privileged one!

Every news channel is currently showing their version of opinion poll on 2014 General Election. Most of them are very contradictory to each other and tilted towards their political affiliation/masters or what their business houses tell them to do. All these media drama tempted me to do my own opinion poll!! The whole exercise is completely biased towards my political affiliation and my wish to see NM as the PM of this country!!

Let me begin with the kingmaker states. AP, UP, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu are the kingmaker states of this country particularly AP has decided which party will form the government in center in last few elections. Congress or UPA will have tough time in AP, UP and Tamil Nadu in the next election. Higher the impact, better the chances of NM becoming PM and I am eager to see this happening.

The recent communal riots and extreme appeasement of minority community by central and UP state government have tarnished the image of SP and UPA in UP. This will certainly help BJP in UP. The way Congress has managed the Telangana issue in last few months and handled Jagan’s case; has certainly impacted their credibility in the state. This is going to reflect in the outcome of the election result. It may not necessarily help BJP in gaining more seats but it will certainly reduce the chances of Congress getting more seats in AP.  

It is very interesting to see that Na Mo has already visited these kingmaker states and addressed very big rallies. His rally in Tamil Nadu is supposed to be the biggest rally till date by any BJP leader in Dravidian state! His rally in Kanpur was one of the biggest by any political leader in recent days. Most interestingly he has articulated his political vision in the simplest terms in all these rallies.

Congress/UPA was deeply agitated/furious when Na Mo attended the rally of ex-military man. This is very understandable as they realized that they have already missed the bus. This is just not coincidence and he was accidently on the dais, the parivar has been working for it last 5 years. This is a major chunk of votes!! Moreover, they will influence equal number of additional votes towards BJP.

The compilation of last 2 general elections gives very interesting perspective on the voting pattern that may occur in the next general election. Needless to say that every political party must be knowing this and planning according to it. But I am interpreting it in completely biased way to show how NM can be the next PM of this country. As per my biased calculation, NDA should get 250+ seats in the next general election.

Uttar Pradesh
A Pradesh
West Bengal
Tamil Nadu
M Pradesh
Smaller States


Emergence of Jagan Mohan Reddy and popularity of Mamta Didi is going to improve the tally of non-aligned parties. If Left improves their tally in Kerala, it is going to strengthen it further. Even if we like it or not regional parties will consolidate their position in their respective region. However, NDA would need support of additional 25-30 MP’s to form the government. TDP and AIDMK will definitely support NDA government mostly by participating in it. This will be a smallest coalition government and will give greater stability to the government. This will help NDA government to make India story more vibrant and viable once again.


Regional Parties
YSR Congress


For time being, if I remove my rightwing hat and think what and who can stop NM becoming PM,

·         Only SP, BPS, TMC and YSR congress can stop! Strategy: Make some of them your friend!

·         Voters from AP and UP can stop. Strategy: Ensure Congress gets fewer seats than last time.

·         Importance of Kerala and Tamil Nadu. BJP does not have any presence in these states. Strategy: Work for getting few seats in the name of NaMo.

·         If Left consolidates their position in West Bengal, Kerala and Tripura and support UPA from outside. Strategy: No Strategy will work.

·         Last but the least, Congress supports Third / Fourth Front from outside. Strategy: Let it happen.

In short, it will be tough but not impossible task for BJP or NaMo to win. If you want brighter India, start working now towards making NM as PM!