Tuesday 17 August 2021

Who is Controlling USA Today?

I am in dilemma while writing this. Because we Indians deeply believe in "सर्वे संतू निरामया". Therefore, I am nervous while writing on someone's health. But when it comes to health of US President, then it impacts entire world.

I was very surprised when Americans elected Joe Biden as their president. They generally select smart, good looking, young, good orator as their President. But Joe Biden is 78 years old. He is the oldest President in the history of US. He made lot of funny mistakes during his presidential campaign. But he was finally elected.

His health condition has come to forefront in US media once again. One video was viral in March. Biden fell down three times while climbing Air Force One.

Ronny Jackson, former Whitehouse physician and senator is insisting that President must go through Cognitive test.

Donald Trump is already talking about mid term polls.

Let's hope that President Biden is in good health and he will deliver the best as world leader. He has started JCPOA which was stopped by Trump. He accelerated American forces withdrawal from Afghanistan. He had fruitful summit with Putin. He also accelerated vaccination program in US. He got appreciation from none other than Putin. All these events do indicate that he is very much in control.

But, if this rumor has iota of truth, then who is controlling USA? President Kamala Harris? That is what he called her in one of his public speech 😜

Satish Gundawar

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