Tuesday 17 August 2021

Watch these international events carefully

1. Mass graves found in Catholic school in Canada. Approximately 800 unmarked graves of children have found. Native Canadians have burnt 8 churches till now as a reaction of it. Vatican has refused to apologize for this.

2. MBS has refused to recognize Hadith (few) as religious text as they were written after 250 years from dealth of prophet.

3. Israel open their embassy in Abu Dhabi.

4. Tigray genocide in Ethiopia by Nobel laurel (for peace) PM Abiy Ahmed.

5. Regime change in Israel and Iran. Both have extreme religious leader as head of the state.

6. American started withdrawal from Afghanistan. They vacated their main airbase from Bagram.

Last but not least 😜

7. Donald Trump is back 😃

Satish Gundawar 

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