Tuesday 17 August 2021

Is Taliban threat to India?

Will Taliban reach our western border? If likely, then when?

Will Taliban attack on their friend Pakistan? Possibly, then when?

Will curse on Afghanistan be over after Taliban takes over control? Last 40 years, they have some foreign forces or other on their land. 

These are some of the questions come to mind when Americans started evaluation from Afghanistan.

Why is it morale booster for Taliban?

The way US forces left Bagram airbase on last Friday 2-July is very shameful. They ran away taking their heavy arms and ammunition in dark. They didn't even inform their new commander and Afghanistan authorities. They put off electricity and just ran away!

Taliban has already captured 30% of Afghanistan. Afghan govt forces are deserting and crossing over border or surrendering to Taliban.

The target date of evacuation for NATO forces is Sept 11. But it is likely that they will even runaway before that.

Taliban will takeover Afghanistan in next 2 months. Who is laughing? China, Pakistan, Russia? 

Will terrorism, massacre, fights stop after that? Probably NO.

Afghan tribal lords will try to retain control over their territory. This may keep Taliban engaged for some more time.

Will Taliban attack Pakistan, if Taliban removes all their opponents? Answer is likely. Why?

They don't have any interest in Pakistan. All these terrorist organizations have one common. objective i.e. Ghazwa-e-Hind. Taliban will do it for this objective which Muslims couldn't fulfill in last ~1400 years! 

Who will be happy, if that happens? China will get readymade opportunity to put their forces west of India and closer to many east Asian countries.

If China does not take any interest in Afghanistan matters, which is very unlikely, then Taliban will be on our western border in next 6 months.

In short, Chinese or Taliban forces will be on our western border in next 6 months... I wish I am proven wrong

Satish Gundawar

I had written above on 8-Jul. Many were believing that Taliban would take over Afghanistan by December. But the inevitable has arrived much earlier than expected. It is just matter of time Afghanistan will be controlled by Taliban. 

Many people are criticizing USA for their withdrawal. I think US realized their mistakes and understood they can't change Afghanistan into a modern state. Therefore, it is better to get out as quick as possible. 

We Indian must know what is Taliban? Taliban means Student. Student of what? Student of Deobandi school of Islam. Where is Deoband? It is in UP, India. It means India has contributed directly to create this mess.

After American and NATO forces withdrawal, Afghans are actually killing Afghan. Will it stop post Taliban controls Kabul? Very unlikely! 

As written above, we should expect those events to happen. 

In short, our western border and Kashmir will see enemy even sooner than expected. China and Pakistan will accelerate that process. What would be India's response then?


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