Saturday 20 November 2021

Media Watch 21 Nov 21

Pakistan was shipping some radioactive material to China. The ship was intercepted in the international waters, made to park at Mudra port in Gujarat. Radioactive material has been confiscated.

Similar to Brexit in UK, Texit movement is gaining ground in Texas, USA. People of Texas wants breakup from USA.

Belarus has created refugee crises for Polant. Belarus is allowing refugees from Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh etc to enter in Belarus and then provoking them to cross Polish border.

France has changed the color of their national flag silently. Minor change but people realised it very late.

Civil war situation in Sudan and Ethiopia. Partition of Sudan happened of religious ground. But both Sudan are not peaceful. Ethiopian President Abiy Ahmed got Nobel prize of peace and now charged of genocide.

Keep a watch on Turkey for some more months. Erdogan will do some stupid things like few days back he asked many European and American ambassadors to leave Turkey.

Sharad Pawar had been very sympathetic to Naxals since beginning. Central govt transferred cases of Elgar Parishad to NIA just before MVA govt formed in Maharashtra for obvious reasons. Now why did NCP home minister allow encounter of Milind Teltumde? Think!

Danger of Corona has not gone. Europe is facing forth wave. Germany, Netherlands, Poland have huge spike in cases. Russia, China are also in trouble. Hence, vaccination is the only solution. Wear mask, social distancing, sanitizer is must. Take care of yourself and your loved onesπŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

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