Friday 13 February 2015


As days are passing, I wonder whether we really grew up or we just became older. But this is a journey which everyone has to take and hence I am also on this journey. We build our notions, beliefs, habits, behavior, personality, etc. based on surrounding such as family, friends, community, religion, locality, school, etc. In addition to this, my association with RSS also made the great impact and developed some of the notions for myself. Hindu religion, Indian languages, culture is the greatest in the world, Indian society is the most cultured society in the world, Institution of family and marriage is the greatest in the world, Indians are most brilliant people in the world so and so forth. In short, I also started thinking the way most right wing minded person thinks. There is nothing wrong in it. However, there is always a danger and pitfall in such strong believes. Such self-praise and self-proficiency sometimes makes one inert, blind and narrow minded person. Visiting various places, meeting people and talking to them keeps one away from such pitfall and makes one open minded.

One such opportunity came to me in year 1994 when I visited Islamic Republic of Iran. No wonder I was travelling with thick right wing bias. India then had recently experienced Babari Masjid demolition and aftermath of it. I never expected that Iranians will ask me direct questions on it. But they did! Initially, I started reacting very sharply and told them that I am here for work and not for discussing politics. But my manager used to give them very tactical answer. It gave me completely different perceptive of that incident.

Initially, I was scared of walking on the streets of Gazvin because of notion which was developed about Iran over a period of time. People used to greet me (Are you from Hind? They call India as Hind) while walking the lanes of Gazvin. But I used to take it as an offensive remark. After few days, I started understanding their Persian language. Interestingly, Persian is Indo-European language and has lot of Sanskrit words in it. Once I started understanding Persian, I realized that Iranian are very fond of India because of many political, historical background and progress India has shown without any support from West (read US) and they believe that they are intelligent people next to Indian! 

The local company appointed one driver for me. Mohammad Begi Baktiyar was school dropout and was forced to fight a war with Iraq after few days of his marriage. He did not understand English and I did not understand Persian! The company had instructed him to show me historical places surrounding Gazvin during the weekends. I immediately realized that his all weekends have gone. I told him, he could take his family, if he wishes. Immediately, his official duty became company paid family vacation. He took me to such places where normal tourist will not go. One of thing I learnt there that common citizen are essentially good and then just don’t care for political, religious or ethnic divides.

Mohammad Begi’s wife could speak and understand English a bit. She liked Hindi movies especially of Big B. They call him Vijay (because Vijay is his name in many of his movies). She memorized complete song of Sholey. Practically every Iranian had seen Sangam, Awara etc. She told me that Iranian National Television once telecasted Shakti (Amitabh, Dilipkumar starrer). The complete nation was halted in front of TV set. They also compelled authorities to relay it once again on the following week. This is a wonderful example of how arts can bring the people together.

Once we were visiting Ali Sadr Caves (largest and longest Caverns in the world). Begi’s wife and sister-in-law removed their scarf and asked me to take a photograph. Begi was very furious as it big social taboo in any Islamic country. But they didn’t give any heed to him. I was also very hesitant knowing the culture there. But they insisted! I obliged and took the photograph. I tried to pacify him. Begi’s statement was very thought provoking. He said, “You are my good friend and I trust you. But you do not know the society here. Highly dangerous and explosive mixture has been created here by mixing religion and politics. I am worried about your and my wife’s safety.” The point is that the most common, under educated person understands the human liberty and freedom and do not accept any oppressive restrictions by any religious authority. Practically all religions use fear and threat to implement their policies and principles. This incidence also brought very interesting perspective. You go anywhere in the world you will find woman rules man!!
There were lot of engineers from other local companies working with me. Many of them were educated from various US Universities including MIT. They were very fluent in English and expert in their work. Once I became friendly with them, they started telling me history of Persia. It was completely other side of story what we hear here. They told me fascinating stories of Islamic revolution in Iran, Iran-Iraq war etc. It reinforced my earlier belief that British rule has done enormous damage to the world’s civilization by drawing the lines on this earth! I also realized our Government would feed us only those stories which they want us to know and media would share only those news which are convenient to some interest groups or Government. This was the first time, I understood the definition of History that it is a story of infighting among the civilization written by a victor! I told myself that god has given a wonderful item on your shoulder and I must use it before coming to any conclusion!

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