Monday, 6 September 2021

Burning Sahel

What comes in our mind when someone asks us countries which are affected by terrorism? Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan correct? What comes in our mind when someone asks us about terrorist organization? Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Taliban, Hamas right? We think of India, Israel when someone talks about countries who are fighting cross border terrorism. But we hardly think of Sahel, region of Africa, which is also badly affected by terrorism and civil war. This may be because this region is extremely poor, has less business potential, marginal diplomatic relations. Or many may think that black people not worth of human rights. Or it is far away from India and hence unrest in Sahel does not affect us. Someone may say that not aware of something like this happening in Sahel as media does not give any coverage. Believe me we are not the only one. The whole world is ignoring Sahel as they hardly have any economic interests in Sahel region.

Senegal, Mauritania, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Nigeria, Chad, Sudan, and Eritrea are part of Sahel region of Africa. If you look at the map, there are other countries such Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Morocco, Congo who are also facing terrorism or civil war.

·         Mauritania is ~100% Sunni Muslim country. It has single party government and history of military coup. Mauritania is victim of cross border terrorism due Islamic insurgency in Algeria since 2005. Terrorist organizations from Mali are also attacking Mauritania.

·         Mali’s economy is based on gold. It has 90% Sunni Muslims and 5% Christians population. Mali has single party pro socialist government. Islamic jihad started in northern part of Mali (Azawad) which is closer to Algeria. Algerian terrorist organization instigated northern people to overthrow socialist govt and establish Sharia law in Mali. The fight between govt forces and terrorist organization started in 2012 and still going on.

·         Burkina Faso: Extremely poor country with 63% Muslims and 23% Christians. It has Marxist leaning socialist government mostly governed by Christians. North of Burkina Faso which has border with Mali and Niger has extreme issue of cross border terrorism. Burkina Faso does not have resources, and courage to fight back. Terrorist attacks started in 2015 and still going on.

·         Niger’s economy is based on oil with 99% Muslims. Niger has checkered history of one party socialist govt and military coup. Niger is victim of cross boarder terrorism. All countries surrounding Niger are affected by Islamic terrorism. Terrorist organizations from Nigeria, Mali, Libya and Algeria use Niger as transit and safe location. Niger does not have means and resources to counter this.

·         Nigeria’s economy is based on oil with 56% Muslim (mostly in North) and 44% Christians (Mostly in South). Nigeria is multi party federal republic. Nigeria had both Christian and Muslim President till now. However, wealth is concentrated mostly with Christian. Notorious Boko Haram is from Nigeria. Northern Nigeria has Sharia law implemented and Boko Haram now wants to implement it throughout Nigeria. Islamist jihad of Boko Haram started in 2012 and still going on killing and displacing thousands of people in Nigeria and surrounding countries.

·         Chad’s economy is based on oil. It has 52% Muslims (mostly in North) and 44% Christians (Mostly in South) population. It has multi party Presidential system. The Presidents have been elected from both Christian and Muslim. However, it has been ruled by Idriss Deby since 1990 till 2021. The civil war between northern Muslims and southern Christians is going on since its independence in 1960. Northern Muslim has constant support from Libya and Sudan in Civil war.

·         The partition of Sudan happened in 2011 due to politics of oil and religion. Northern part is still called as Sudan and has 97% Muslim population. The southern part is called as South Sudan with 65% Christian and 6% Muslim population. The partition of Sudan is result of civil war between Muslims (North) and Christian (South). Sudan is an independent subject in itself. Insurgency, terrorism, fight between Sudan and South Sudan is still going on.

·         Eritrea is completely different than rest of Sahel countries. It has long history war with Ethiopia. Both Eritrea (63% Christian and 37% Muslim) and Ethiopia (63% Christian and 34% Muslim) are Christian majority countries. Ethiopia is one of the largest landlock country. Eritrea would have given them long coastal line. Eritrea was Italian colony till 1941. British took over Eritrea and kept under their administration until 1951. British and American gave this territory to Ethiopia as a reward for Ethiopia’s support during WWII. The civil war between Eritrea and Ethiopia broke in 1961 and continued till 1991. It can be called as communists gorilla war as Communist countries actively supported Eritrean in this war. Eritrea became an independent country in 1993. Understandably it has leftist, socialist one party system with Isaias Afwerki as its president since 1993. No elections held since 1993. Interestingly, Eritrea supported Ethiopia in Tigray war in 2020-21.

·         Senegal is the only country which could protect themselves from cross border terrorism and civil war. It has 94% Muslim and 4% Christian and is multi party secular state. Casamance region of Senegal is Christian majority and had given trouble to Senegal in past.

Other countries in the region such as Algeria, Congo, Morocco have similar story of cross border terrorism and civil war. There are some observations in Sahel.

·         Most of the conflicts, cross border terrorism and civil war started after 2011 when Arab Spring started in Africa and West Asia. Arab Spring movement in Egypt and Libya and civil war in Algeria are major contributors in unrest in Sahel.

·         5 countries (Mauritania, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Eritrea) out of 9 are/had communist regime. Remaining 2 countries (Chad, Nigeria) have multi party presidential system. These communist countries were relatively peaceful until Arab Spring in 2011 and Colonel Gaddafi was running socialist government in Libya.

·         In short, Islamic terrorism is fighting against leftist/communist rule in Mauritania, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger (and in Algeria) to establish Islamic State (Sharia rule). Indian communist should note this.

·         ISIS and Al-Qaeda started losing their control over Iraq, Syria and Libya after initial success. These groups have started moving towards Sahel region. Most of the terrorist organization are local but proudly declare their allegiance with ISIS and Al-Qaeda.

·         Military of these countries is very small, poorly equipped, lack of modern training and motivation. Since Sahel was prominently France colony. France takes more interest in counter terrorism efforts in Sahel. US, British, Italians or UN forces have some presence.

Now five countries viz. Mauritania, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger (communist regime) and Chad  have joined their hands together to counter cross border terrorism of Sahel (G5 Sahel). France is actively supporting them in training, equipment etc. But peaceful Sahel and north Africa is a distant dream.  


Satish Gundawar
